Friday, January 22, 2010

Rein: "Pachter Comments Not True - Happy with Microsoft"

A few hours ago we posted a story on what the almighty games analyst Michael Pachter had to say regarding the relationship/contract between Microsoft and Epic Games; Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, gave us his take on the seemingly impossible comments made on the Bonus Round. We asked the folks at Epic, what we already knew to be untrue, if they felt strained or pressured in their relationship with Microsoft and the Xbox 360. Read up on Mr. Pachter's comments in our original story, by clicking here. Once you are all caught up find Mark Rein's prompt, and to the straight to the point response below.
"We have a great relationship with Microsoft and we have no regrets."
Seems to me as that Epic is standing behind the Xbox 360 and their relationship with Microsoft, which by all accounts is making them tons of money. Gamers everywhere are expecting Gears of War 3 to be announced soon enough and I have a feeling that will be coming to the Xbox 360 and PC exclusively. Stay tuned for anymore updates on this story only on Click here to discuss this news story in our official forums, and let us know whether you agree with Rein or Pachter (or neither).


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